Windows Vista RTM Software Compatibility List
Questa è una pagina utilissima per chi ha intenzione da domani di installare il nuovo sistema operativo Windows Vista. Si tratta del software testato e che si è dimostrato compatibile e quindi utilizzabile senza inconvenienti. Ricordo che moltissime software house sono in notevole ritardo e con i programmi aggiornati e con i drivers che dovranno avere questa compatibilità. Si sta verificando esattamente la stessa situazione di quanto è avvenuto all´immissione in commercio di Windows XP.
Entries are in alphabetical order.
Please mention the version/build number of the software and if it applies to the 32-bit and/or the 64-bit beta OS (e.g. "Software vX.XX.XXXX (32- and 64-bit)")!
On 32-bit Vista RTM, 16-bit or 32-bit Windows programs which uses 16-bit drivers or VxDs will not work anyway as on any NT systems. 16-bit fullscreen DOS programs do not work.
Announcement: For advanced users, Microsoft will release a new version of Virtual PC, called Virtual PC 2007, in the first quarter of 2007 that will allow users to run previous versions of the Windows OS on top of Windows Vista so you may use older applications.
Entries are in alphabetical order.
Please mention the version/build number of the software and if it applies to the 32-bit and/or the 64-bit beta OS (e.g. "Software vX.XX.XXXX (32- and 64-bit)")!
On 32-bit Vista RTM, 16-bit or 32-bit Windows programs which uses 16-bit drivers or VxDs will not work anyway as on any NT systems. 16-bit fullscreen DOS programs do not work.
Announcement: For advanced users, Microsoft will release a new version of Virtual PC, called Virtual PC 2007, in the first quarter of 2007 that will allow users to run previous versions of the Windows OS on top of Windows Vista so you may use older applications.